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Sanitation & Maintenance

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Intelligent Products, Inc

Pet Waste Problems?

Mutt Mitt pet waste cleanup

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Best Products. Best Value. Superior Service.

Dogipot Pet Waste Cleanup Bags

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United Receptacle

Smoker’ Waste: Under Control

Cigarette Receptacle

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Evergreen Turf Cover has been the number one cover of choice for the PGA Championship and US Open for the past 15 years

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DOGIPOTĀ® The Green Solution to Dog Pollution

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Mutt Mitt

Studies have shown that parks and communities that offer
Mutt Mitts to their visitors increase doggie doo pick up by more
than 95% than those that offer no solution at all.

So if you want to keep your park or green space looking fresh,
providing Mutt Mitts is a small investment that pays off big!
